Case Study: smarthr

A Partnership for Growth & Simplifymeetings

Background is an innovative tool that assists recruiters and HR departments in developing tailored content for the hiring process. From job advertisements to individual inquiries on LinkedIn and Xing, had a powerful product but faced the challenge of expanding its reach beyond its own network.


The executives of had a strong product and a clear vision for their company, but they also recognized that they needed help to grow on a larger scale and achieve their ambitious goals. They were aware that having an excellent product was not enough; they also had to ensure that this product was effectively marketed. This meant they needed to find a way to increase the number of qualified leads and simultaneously ensure that these leads were efficiently converted into sales appointments. Therefore, they decided to bring a specialized sales partner on board. They needed someone with expertise and experience in lead generation and organizing sales appointments - tasks that can be time-consuming and require specific skills. Their hope was that by collaborating with such a partner, they could devote more time and resources to what they do best: further developing their core business and improving their product.


Partnership with SimplifymeetingsThe main goal of this collaboration was to optimize and make their sales process more efficient. Simplifymeetings is known for its expertise in streamlining sales processes through the use of cutting-edge technologies and proven methods. recognized the potential of such a partnership to boost their business outcomes and made the decision to seize this opportunity. The choice to collaborate with Simplifymeetings was not made overnight. It was the result of careful consideration and analysis of's existing sales process. They recognized that they could increase efficiency and relieve their team by outsourcing specific aspects of their sales process. By working with Simplifymeetings, ensured that their sales team could focus on what it does best - building and maintaining relationships with clients. Meanwhile, Simplifymeetings took care of the time-consuming tasks such as lead generation and appointment scheduling.

Definition of the Ideal Customer Profile

The sales managers at were already very aware of who their ideal customers were. They had a clear understanding of the specific characteristics and requirements of their target customers, including the industry in which they operate, company size, location, and many other relevant factors. In a joint process with Simplifymeetings, they utilized this detailed information to create tailored lead lists. This process involved a thorough analysis and segmentation of potential leads based on the defined criteria. The result was a list of highly qualified leads that precisely matched the profile of's ideal customers. These lists were then used as the foundation for targeted sales and marketing activities.

Development of Outreach Campaigns

These campaigns were strategically designed to effectively engage with the right contacts within potential customer companies. Key to this strategy were A/B/C/D tests. These tests are a method for checking various variables within a campaign to determine which one is most effective. In this case, each variable (A, B, C, and D) was tested to find out which type of message or approach resonated best with the target customers. This way, Simplifymeetings could ensure that they tailored their communication precisely to what resonated most with their potential clients. After analyzing and assessing the results of the tests, Simplifymeetings selected the most effective campaign and further refined and optimized it. This process allowed them to not only reach the right contacts within potential customer companies but also effectively engage them and ultimately motivate them to take action.

Scheduling of Demo Calls

Simplifymeetings took complete charge of scheduling all demo call appointments. This included not only determining the exact time and date for each call but also coordinating with the relevant contacts on the customer's side. Once an appointment was set, it was meticulously entered into’s team's calendars. This ensured that all parties knew exactly when and where they needed to be and what was expected of them. This detailed and thorough planning helped avoid misunderstandings and ensured a smooth flow of all demo calls.


Increase in Sales Appointments

The partnership between and Simplifymeetings proved to be highly beneficial, particularly in terms of increasing sales appointments. There was a significant uptick in scheduled sales conversations for

Boost in Closures and Sales

The efficient and targeted work by Simplifymeetings played a crucial role in boosting the closures and sales of By implementing structured processes, providing in-depth expertise, and maintaining a sharp focus on customer needs, Simplifymeetings was able to significantly increase the number of successful business closures. Alongside the revenue increase, this collaboration also had positive effects on the working method of the team. They could fully focus on their core competencies, while Simplifymeetings simplified the entire sales process. This relief enabled the team to direct their focus on the development of innovative solutions and products while ensuring that their sales process runs smoothly and effectively.

Customer Testimonial

"The collaboration with Simplifymeetings is simply fantastic in my eyes. They have enabled us to focus on what we do best - our core competency. Instead of burdening ourselves with time-consuming and often frustrating tasks that aren't directly in our field, we can now entrust these aspects to the Simplifymeetings team. They handle all these tasks for us, and at a price that is fair and reasonable. This gives us both the space and time to focus on the development of our products and services," expressed a CEO of about their experience with Simplifymeetings.


The partnership between and Simplifymeetings is a shining example of how specialized support in the sales process can help a company efficiently achieve its goals. By relieving the team of time-consuming tasks, the company was able to grow and simultaneously enhance the quality and efficiency of its sales process.